Unstuck in Time gets Unstuck in Time

This is just a brief update to let you know about a last-minute reorganization I am making to my book in progress.  The last part of Chapter Three was going to turn to twenty-first century representations of a future USSR, a phenomenon sometimes called SovietPunk or SovPunk.  But as I planned this section I realized two things:

1) It needs to be its own chapter, and

2) Now that it is its own chapter, it should come after the initially-planned Chapter Four.

So Chapter Four (“Fables of the Reconstruction”) will still be about reconstructions of the Soviet Union in film, fiction, and “real life” (including a theme park). However, I’m not ready to write this section yet. What I am ready to write is the chapter about SovPunk. 

Therefore, next week I will start serializing Chapter Five (“The Return of the Radiant Future”), after which I will being Chapter Four.  I probably could have gotten away with this without anyone knowing, but I thought it would be better to address the change upfront.

As always, thank you for your patience.  See you next week.


Tomorrow Never Comes


An Officer of the Law